February 24, 2020

Assessing Sample Transportation Methods In Mindanao, Philippines

Do you ever wonder how a sample given at your doctor’s office ends up at the lab? In the United States, we have strict procedures regulated by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Department of Transportation. These procedures determine how a potentially infectious sample is packaged to how it is transported (i.e. air, overland). Without these precautions the courier and/or the receiver could be exposed and potentially infected.

HSP and the Biorisk Association of the Philippines (BRAP), will partner with six human and animal health labs in Mindanao to document the formal and informal transportation methods by which the labs receive samples. Risk assessments of these methods will be done to determine which are high-risk and should be avoided, moderate risk and can be rendered safe with some modifications, or low risk, cost effective and feasible. BRAP and HSP will then develop recommendations of policies and procedures which could improve sample transportation safety and security in the Philippines. This work builds on HSP and BRAP’s collaboration to train courier, airline and laboratory staff on safe and secure sample transport.