October 10, 2018

Critical Biosafety Trainings Strengthen Pakistan's Laboratory Network: UVAS In The Spotlight

This past August, the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore (UVAS) in partnership with HSP, trained laboratory professionals and researchers from different public and private sector facilities across Pakistan. Both diagnostic and research laboratory personnel from Kashmir, Interior Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were trained on best biosafety practices. The biosafety experts gave key note lectures on the significance and establishment of an Institutional Biosafety Committee, international standards such as CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 15793 and founding a culture of biosafety in an organization. The participants learned how to safely dispose of waste, manage spills, package and ship samples, proper emergency response procedures and donning and doffing of personal protective equipment (see photo below). The workshop will help the participants to implement best biosafety practices back at their local facilities. 

 Based on post-workshop assessment scores, the participants will be selected for an advanced level workshop of the series where they will be trained on key aspects of applied biosafety.

Thanks UVAS for all of your incredible efforts!