December 19, 2016

HSP Convenes NATO Science For Peace & Security Workshop

Earlier this month, Health Security Partners, in collaboration with the Landau Network-Fondazione Volta (Como, Italy) and the Iraq National Monitoring Authority (Baghdad, Iraq), hosted an Advanced Research Workshop supported by the NATO Science for Peace & Security (SPS) Program in Como, Italy.

The three-day workshop brought together 25 experts from diverse public, academic, and non-profit institutions to discuss the risk of emerging biological threats in the context of global terrorism. The participants represented the countries of Jordan, Iraq, Italy, the UK, the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Bahrain, Belgium, Greece, and Switzerland. The workshop’s agenda included a table-top exercise as well as sessions led by each speaker, with topics including biological dual-use expertise, responsible science, do-it-yourself biology, and bioterrorism case studies. The proceedings of the event will be synthesized into a reference publication in the NATO Science for Peace & Security Series in Spring 2017.