April 10, 2020

HSP Director Releases Statement Calling For Global Action To End The Coronavirus Crisis After Deaths Surpass 100,000

Washington, DC - Today, Health Security Partners (HSP) Executive Director, Dr. Jason Rao released the following statement calling for coordinated action after COVID-19 or the novel Coronavirus claimed over 100,000 lives globally.

Rao said, “On behalf of not only Myself, but of all of the HSP global network of partners, our deepest condolences go to the families and communities that have lost loved-ones because of this horrible pandemic. I cannot imagine the pain they are going through, mourning the loss of a loved-one, while dealing with the uncertainty this virus has cast on every aspect of their daily lives.

“One death caused by this virus is too many but 100,000 is truly staggering. Rather than focus on what we could and should have done, it is time to focus on what to do to prevent the next deadly milestone. We must take decisive, coordinated action now, both within the U.S. and across the global community.

“Like many global challenges we face, the U.S. has lost its position of leadership. Now is the time to put politics aside and leverage both our vast resources, as well as our diplomatic partnerships around the world to organize a global effort to end this pandemic.

“Decisive action will allow us to harness the world’s manufacturing power, deploy available biosurveillance technologies, and gain access to the full range of COVID-19 testing technologies. This will allow for strategic deployment of critical resources to those that need it most and improve data sharing for the much-needed medical intelligence we need to win this war.

“At home, several agencies need increased support to take urgent action. Among the highest priorities are the CDC for nearly all of its programs, and the FDA to expedite a treatment development and approval protocol that works in real time with other countries, to help more quickly produce lifesaving treatments to combat this disease. Abroad, the U.S. should join other industrialized nations in creating a global R&D fund to catalyze the discovery of new vaccines and countermeasures.

“Our level of leadership and action now will decide how far and wide this pandemic goes. We should be a leader in the fight, not a leader in the death toll.”
