April 09, 2019

HSP Fellows Are Promoting Health Security Education Across Iraq

Since the Iraq Stewards Fellowship Training Institute of March 10-12, 2019 in Baghdad, several HSP Fellows have taken the initiative to hold seminars and workshops on health security topics at their home institutions and communities. An important objective of the HSP fellowship is to empower Fellows to educate faculty and students and provide outreach to their communities. We congratulate the Fellows on their achievements. Many other events by other HSP Fellows have just been completed, are ongoing, or in the planning stages, so stay tuned for many more updates in the coming weeks!

  • Hazim Abed Walli from the University of Al Qadisiyah in Diwaniyah, Iraq held a biosecurity symposium for 23 postgraduate students and faculty at the College of Science.
  • Nawfal Hussein Khudhair Al-Dujaili from the University of Kufa conducted a seminar on Prevention of Bioterrorism through Biosecurity for 35 participants from the Faculty of Science.
  • Ali Anok Njum from Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University in Kufa, Iraq held a workshop for 15 microbiology students at the Samawa Technical Institute’s Nursing Department on biorisk management during infectious disease outbreaks. He also held a microbiology and AMR session.
  • Riyadh Kareem Abbood Al-Shebli from the University of Kufa held an AMR symposium for 32 faculty members and technical assistant teaching staff from the Department of Quality in the Faculty of Nursing.
  • Sama Ahmed and Amal Talib Al Sa’ady from Babylon University conducted community health education focused on disease prevention at secondary schools in the area, reaching 53 teachers and students.