HSP is Excited to Announce HSP BRM Challenge Grants Have Been Awarded
HSP is excited to announce HSP BRM Challenge Grants have been awarded to the following partner institutions to implement biosafety and biosecurity projects to minimize toxins threats - the Institute of Technology Bandung, the Bogor Agricultural Institute, the Indonesian Biorisk Association, and the University of the Philippines – Manila. Projects will focus on the development of a white paper for Indonesian government agencies to strengthen policies on toxins and related threats, development of a handbook for high school STEM teachers in Manila to teach students about toxins and other biosafety and biosecurity issues, workshops for university level researchers about threats associated with toxins research, and workshops for first responders and law enforcement CSI labs to be able to better identify toxins related incidents and protect themselves and their teams from exposure. These projects will build on 2021 efforts to counter low effort biothreats in Southeast Asia that began with a regional workshop on biosecurity for toxins research.
HSP extends its congratulations to the award winners and looks forward to this collaborative effort to minimize the threat of toxins in Southeast Asia.
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