November 09, 2017

HSP Launches Clinical Diagnostic Fellowship For Melioidosis To Strengthen Capacity In Indonesia

The HSP Clinical Diagnostic Fellowship was created to supplement workshop training with intensive hands-on skill building and mentoring at a regional center of excellence for the diagnosis and reporting of infectious disease. The mentoring process includes the guided development of an implementation plan to ensure that diagnostic methods can be reliably replicated when the trainees return to their home institutions. Post-mentoring, Fellows are provided with small funding for the procurement of specialized reagents and supplies to encourage and accelerate implementation. Linkages created through this fellowship support real-time troubleshooting, longer-term knowledge and information sharing.  Post-training, Fellows serve as champions for capacity building and strengthening surveillance networks in the home country. In this case, the melioidosis fellowship will cover all expenses for the mentoring visit to the regional center of excellence at Sappasithiprasong Hospital in Ubon Ratchathani, northeast Thailand, coupled with a brief visit to the Mahidol University Oxford Research Unit in Bangkok.