HSP Partner ABM Spreads Biosafety Knowledge To Prevent COVID-19 Transmission
HSP’s Pakistani partners, the Association for Biorisk Management (ABM), have been working tirelessly to protect their country from the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteering their time and expertise to engage diverse community members on best practices to slow viral transmission. The group has utilized diverse avenues of communication, including radio spots, social media campaigns, and in-person programming to educate various communities. This impressively widespread outreach has included, but has not been limited to: healthcare workers, shop owners, shepherds, nomads, community leaders, teachers, school children, housewives and childcare workers.
ABM’s educational sessions have addressed mask wearing, social distancing, hand hygiene, and other biosafety basics which allow citizens outside of the biosafety community to better protect themselves. The group has also worked with the Pakistani government to spread information, and has provided PPE kits to healthcare workers and other community members. ABM’s outreach and efforts to democratize basic biosafety knowledge have been invaluable to Pakistan’s pandemic response.
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