HSP Partner Helps Distribute Personal Protective Equipment In Kurdistan
In the Kurdistan region of Iraq, HSP Partner Dr. Wafa Mufty, Directorate General of Health, is helping to support the COVID-19 response efforts by distributing personal protective equipment (PPE) to emergency medical personnel or the 1-2-2 in Duhok. Recently, Duhok has been seeing a 150-200 daily rise in new cases, creating a heightened need for PPE so their first responders can safely perform their frontline roles.
This PPE distribution effort follows HSP’s recent Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Awareness and Countermeasures training that included properly fitting first responders with PPE. In order to provide additional biosafety training to the local 1-2-2 team, HSP, the Directorate General of Health, and Duhok University will provide on-demand, online training modules.
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