June 20, 2016

HSP Welcomes A New Health Security Policy Fellow

HSP is excited to announce that Danielle Lohman has joined our team this summer as a Health Security Policy Fellow. Hailing from Cary, North Carolina, Danielle is a research scientist working towards her PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In her graduate studies, she has the privilege of interfacing with various groups of stakeholders ranging from academic and industry scientists to patients and policymakers.  In her laboratory research on coenzyme Q biosynthesis in mitochondria, Danielle collaborates with scientists from laboratories across campus and around the world. As an undergraduate at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she studied chemistry and spent a year studying in France. This experience helped Danielle conceptualize how science can cross cultural and political borders to act as a unifying force. Together, these experiences have helped her appreciate science as a global enterprise.

To further HSP’s commitment to engage young scientists around the world, Danielle will be supporting the Pakistan cohort of 2016 Futures Fellows to help develop and implement their local health security projects. In addition, she will explore the intersection of science and policy in D.C. to broaden HSP’s role in science communication and advocacy.