February 07, 2019

HSP Welcomes New Program Coordinator!

We’re excited to announce that Sharanya Joshi has joined the HSP team as a Program Coordinator to support our work around the world. She recently graduated from Ithaca College with a Bachelor's Degree in Politics.

“Born in India, and raised by two parents working in international development, most of my family holidays were trips to South Asia, visiting both large cities and small villages. Over the years, I’ve lived and studied in the Netherlands, the UK, and the US. My travels first sparked my interest in the field of global health. I observed and learned that the relationship between a nation’s economy and the health of its people isn’t linear. The nature of health problems may differ, but they exist, both in developed economies to still developing economies with non-existent health care systems. From some of the most developed countries to still developing nations, health systems can foster inefficient, expensive and unequal systems of care for citizens.

My coursework in college and internship opportunities with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in India and University Research Co. solidified my interest in the field of global health. Through these experiences, I’ve had the opportunity to take on a variety of global health and development programs. As I continued to learn and work more, I realized that as we move forward, innovations in global health will need to become increasingly interdisciplinary and collaborative– engaging all sectors of technology, science, politics, economics. Social culture, personal perceptions, dialogue, and knowledge will need to flow between the North and the South. I am very excited to join HSP and to work amongst colleagues with diverse experiences and expertise in the field of global health with an approach that connects science, diplomacy, and health.”