HSP Will Join the Indonesian Biorisk Association to Conduct a Two-Day Virtual Workshop From May 17th-18th
From May 17th - 18th, HSP will join the Indonesian Biorisk Association (IBA) to conduct a two-day virtual workshop to introduce biosecurity and biosafety risks and best practices for manufacturers and users of Rapid Response Mobile Laboratories (RRMLs) in Indonesia. Because RRMLs have been increasing in usage and rapidly commissioned in Southeast Asia in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, HSP and IBA want to engage both manufacturers and users of RRMLs to discuss threats and mitigation measures to ensure biological safety and security in the facilities. Following the workshop, HSP and IBA will help the participant institutions conduct self-audits and identify and respond to gaps identified during the auditing process. Future RMML programming in Indonesia will include engaging the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other relevant stakeholders to review and revise MOH requirements for RMMLs biosecurity and biosafety and standardize them across the country. HSP is looking forward to joining IBA and the MOH of Indonesia for this productive and crucial workshop.
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