November 09, 2017

Introducing New 2017 Health Security Stewards

Health Security Partners is pleased to introduce the 2017 Health Security Stewards Fellows from Indonesia! This cohort brings together researchers and faculty from universities across Indonesia with expertise in clinical microbiology, public health and veterinary health.

The Stewards Fellowship commenced with a Training Institute, held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on October 10-13. Throughout the week, the Fellows engaged with expert lectures from the United States, Indonesia, and the Philippines on topics related to health security and curriculum development. The training culminated with brief presentations from each of the Fellows on a health security topic of their choosing to showcase the new teaching methods introduced throughout the week.

The Fellowship continues with a year-long virtual curriculum, during which Fellows will develop a health security course to be implemented at their respective universities.

We look forward to working with these Health Security Stewards!

Dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan

Universitas Udayana

Bali, Indonesia

Dr. Wirawan is a lecturer at the School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana. He is a medical doctor who is especially interested in global health, travel health, and occupational health issues. Dr. Wirawan joined this fellowship to enhance his skills in curriculum development related to global health security and to expand his professional network within the field.

Ms. Nurjanah

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Central Java, Indonesia

Nurjanah is a lecturer at the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Additionally, she has been the director of the Asian Health Literacy Association since September 2017, and is currently pursuing her PhD. She loves learning about health security, and is especially passionate about improving health literacy among her students.

Ms. Alidha Rakhmani

Brawijaya University

East Java, Indonesia

Alidha is a medical doctor and a public health lecturer in Brawijaya University’s Medical Faculty. She is interested in the connection between tropical medicine and human behavior, and is currently working with her colleagues to improve behaviors related to dengue fever prevention. Alidha decided to participate in this fellowship to become more involved in health security issues, with the hope of developing and implementing a personalized community project. She also hopes to share her new knowledge with her students to increase awareness of global health security around the world.

Dr. Annytha Detha

Nusa Cendana University

East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

As a veterinarian, Dr. Detha is passionate about animal health and its effects on human populations. Her research is focused on zoonotic diseases in East Nusa Teneggara, including Q Fever in cattle and toxoplasmosis in cats and pregnant women. Dr. Detha joined this fellowship to share her expertise with fellow scientists, while collaborating with experts in public health and human clinical fields to improve health security in her community.

Ms. Putri Pandarangga

University of Nusa Cendana

East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Putri is a pathology lecturer, with a keen interest in Newcastle disease and many other zoonotic diseases. She is a passionate teacher, who strives to deliver complex veterinary pathology information in ways that are easily understood by her students. Putri joined this fellowship to gain more insight into curriculum development with a One Health approach to improve health security awareness and knowledge amongst her students.

Dr. Erike Anggraini Suwarsono

Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Suwarsono is a lecturer and researcher in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. She carries both a medical degree and a Master’s degree in education, with a specialization in clinical microbiology. Her research focuses on tuberculosis diagnosis and multi-drug resistance. Through this fellowship, Dr. Suwarsono hopes to gain new teaching skills and to inspire her students to tackle health security challenges in their communities.

Ms. Yenni Tarigan

Sari Mutiara Indonesia University

North Sumatera, Indonesia

Yenni received her Master of Science in Public Health from Taipei Medical University of Taiwan, and is now serving as a lecturer in North Sumatera, Indonesia. She is most passionate about environmental health, with a focus on bio-aerosol exposure and its effect on human health. Yenni joined this fellowship to learn from international experts, to network with fellow researchers and to increase her understanding of global health security. She hopes that this platform will enable her to become an agent of change at her university.

Ms. Ani Nidia Listianti

Universitas Sriwijaya

South Sumatera, Indonesia

Ani is a junior lecturer in Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI)’s Public Health Faculty in South Sumatera, Indonesia. She is also the active Vice Chair of Public Health Faculty UNSRI’s Alumni Association. Ani’s research and lectures focus on occupational safety and health, and she joined this fellowship to learn more about global health security issues.

Ms. Yustini Ardillah

Universityas Sriwijaya

South Sumatera, Indonesia 

Yustini is a lecturer in  Universitas Sriwijaya’s Public Health Faculty in South Sumatera, Indonesia. She is passionate about the environmental health sector as it impacts human health, specifically tuberculosis and dengue transmission. Tustini joined this fellowship to expand her knowledge of global health security, and to understand the global impact of these issues outside of Indonesia.

Mr. Ivan Limanjaya

Duta Wacana Christian University

Taipei, Taiwan

Ivan is currently pursuing his PhD at Taipei Medical University, Republic of China. He is especially passionate about neuroscience and global health, and his research focuses on the possible connections between the two fields. Ivan joined this fellowship to learn novel teaching techniques and tools to improve his lectures, and to learn about the most recent issues in the realm of health security.

Dr. Aroem Naroeni

University of Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Naroeni is a researcher, lecturer and biosafety officer and trainer. She is currently researching HIV antiviral drugs, as well as bioengineering of stem cells and tissues. Dr. Naroeni has previous research experience with Brucella, Mycobacterium tuberculosis genotyping as well as avian influenza cultures and diagnostics. As a lecturer, Dr. Naroeni focuses on biorisk management and infectious material transport, among many other biosafety and biosecurity topics.

Dr. Hera Maheshwari

Bogor Agricultural University

West Java, Indonesia

Dr. Maheshwari is a lecturer in Bogor Agricultural University’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology. She joined the fellowship to learn about current One Health issues and strategies, to network with professionals from different competencies and to work toward inter-university collaboration.

Mr. Leonardo Alfonsius Paukus Lalenoh

Duta Wacana Christian University

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Leonardo is currently working as a lecturer and researcher, with a focus on global population health. He has international experience working in Uganda, as well as the USAID Health Office in Indonesia – both of which introduced him to the complexities of global health. Leonardo hopes to increase social awareness of health security, and act as an ambassador for neglected and high-risk populations.

Prof. Pudji Astuti

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Yogyakarta, Indonesia 

Pudji is a senior lecturer at the Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Physiology. In addition to teaching, she conducts research related to wildlife endocrinology. Pudji joined this fellowship to leverage her teaching platform and spread knowledge to her students through innovative methods.