May 07, 2019

Introducing New 2019 Health Security Stewards From Iraq!

Health Security Partners is thrilled to introduce the 2019 Health Security Stewards Fellows from Iraq! This cohort brings together researchers and faculty from universities across Iraq with expertise in clinical microbiology, public health and veterinary health.

The Stewards Fellowship commenced with a Training Institute, held in Baghdad, Iraq on March 10-12. Throughout the event, the Fellows engaged with expert lecturers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Jordan and Iraq on topics related to health security and curriculum development. Fellows were then joined by HSP Executive Director, Dr. Jason Rao as they attended the Fourth Annual CBRN Conference at the Al-Nahrain Center in Baghdad on April 14-16. Fellows presented 9 posters and 15 talks to share their research.

The Fellowship continues with a virtual curriculum throughout the year, during which Fellows will develop a health security course to be implemented at their respective universities.

We look forward to working with these Health Security Stewards!  

Dr. Adawia Fadhel Abbas Alzubaidi

Diyala University

Dr. Adawia Alzubaidi is a lecturer and researcher at Diyala University’s College of Medicine, with a background in medical bacteriology and a focus on global population health. Dr. Adawia has research experience with salmonella, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, and teaching experience focused on biorisk management, infectious material transport, biosafety, and biosecurity. Dr. Adawia is the president of the NGO, Green Land and Environmental Protection in Iraq. She joined this fellowship to learn from international experts, to network with fellow researchers and to increase her understanding of global health security. She hopes that this platform will enable her to become an agent of change at her university.

Dr. Ali Bustan Mohsin Albdairi

University of Al Qadisiyah

Dr. Ali Bustan Mohsin is the Department Coordinator of University of Al Qadisiyah’s College of Science, and has a professional background in medical parasitology, molecular parasitology and entomology. Dr. Ali joined this fellowship to enhance his skills in curriculum development, to learn from international experts, and to inspire his students to tackle health security challenges.

Dr. Amal Talib Atiyah Al-Sa’ady

University of Babylon

Dr. Amal Talib Atiyah Al Sa’ady is a lecturer and researcher in the University of Babylon’s Faculty of Pharmacy. Her educational background includes a Master’s degree and a PhD in microbiology, and her research has focused on pathogenic bacteria, multi-drug resistance and molecular microbiology. Dr. Amal joined this fellowship to gain new teaching skills including curriculum development, to learn from international experts, and to improve health security awareness and knowledge amongst her students.

Dr. Ammar Abbas Shalan Al-Himyari

University of Babylon

Dr. Ammar Shalan is a lecturer in the University of Babylon’s College of Nursing, Department of Basic Medical Sciences. He is also a member of the Central CBRN committee and the head of the chemical and biological safety and security unit. Dr. Ammar holds a PhD in medical microbiology, and his research has focused on hospital acquired infections and multi-drug resistant bacteria. Additionally, Dr. Ammar is interested in genetic susceptibility to infectious diseases and the human genetic variation that may affect host defenses against pathogens. Dr. Ammar joined this fellowship to gain knowledge and experience to develop a global health curriculum for undergraduate students in medical and health sciences academies in Iraq.

Dr. Arwa Mujahid Abdullah Al-Shuwaikh

Al-Nahrain University

Dr. Arwa Mujahid Al-Shuwaikh is an Assistant Professor in the Al-Nahrain University’s College of Medicine, Microbiology Department, and has been responsible for the Continuing Education Unit since February 2017. Her research has focused on respiratory viral infections in infants and young children, along with molecular epidemiology of the hepatitis virus. Dr. Arwa joined this fellowship to enhance her knowledge and experience in global health security, and to become a leader of biosafety and biosecurity in her community.

Dr. Awatif Hameed Issa Al-Muhsein

University of Basrah

Dr. Awatif Hameed Issa is a professor in the University of Basrah’s College of Science. She is also the Head of the Department of Pathological Analysis, and a member of numerous academic societies, including the Iraqi Society for Microbiology and the American Society for Microbiology. Dr. Awatif has published 60 research papers and two books, and is currently a supervisor for 27 MSc students, and 13 PhD students.

Dr. Ayad Mohammed Jebur Amamoori

University of Babylon

Dr. Ayad Almamoori is the Vice Dean of the University of Babylon’s College of Science, as well as an assistant professor in the biology department. Dr. Ayad is also Chief of the Biorisk Management Committee, Director of the CBRNSSF and a member of the Central Committee of Biosafety, Chemical Safety and Radiation Safety. Recently, Dr. Ayad was involved in a train-the-trainer program for Biorisk Management arranged by CRDF and funded by the Global Affairs Canada.

Dr. Hazim Abed Walli Al-Buarab

University of Al Qadisiyah

Dr. Hazim Abed Walli is an Assistant Professor in the University of Al Qadisiyah’s College of Science, and is the former Head of the Environmental Sciences Department. He is currently the Director of the Environmental Research and Prevention Unit, with professional specializations in chemical pollution, bioremediation and electron microscopy. Additional areas of interest for Dr. Hazim include ecology, environmental science, biodiversity, global health, microbial contamination and waste treatment. Dr. Hazim joined this fellowship to enhance his curriculum development skills, to learn from international experts and to inspire his students to tackle health security challenges.

Dr. Majeed Arsheed Sabbah

Al-Nahrain University

Dr. Majeed Arsheed Sabbah is an Assistant Professor in the Al-Nahrain University’s Forensic DNA for Research and Training Center. He is also the Head of the Molecular Genetics and DNA Fingerprinting Department, and has research experience with molecular diagnosis and human identification in forensic DNA. Dr. Majeed holds a PhD from the Al-Nahrain Center’s College of Science, Biotechnology Department.

Dr. Riyadh Kareem Abbood Al-Shiblawi

University of Kufa

Dr. Riyadh Kareem Abbood is a medical doctor, specializing in community medicine at the University of Kufa’s Faculty of Nursing. He is the director of quality for the nursing education program, and is responsible for training nurses and health students about primary healthcare services. Dr. Riyadh is also a tutor for medical students on health and disease in communities, and has a keen interest in field epidemiology. He is also a lecturer of Community Health Services in Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University’s Faculty of Health and Medical Techniques. Dr. Riyadh joined this fellowship to become more involved in global health security issues, and to share this knowledge with students.

Dr. Samah Ahmed Kadhum Al-Jebory

University of Babylon

Dr. Samah Ahmed Kadhum Al-Jebory is a professor in the University of Babylon’s College of Pharmacy, and is the Head of the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Department. Her research background includes medical microbiology to determine the exact causative agent of most infectious diseases through antibiotic sensitivity tests, and by measuring the immunological parameters of patients suffering from infections. Dr. Samah joined this fellowship to increase her understanding of global health security and biosafety, and to develop her teaching skills for community education.

Dr. Souzan Hussain Eassa

University of Duhok

Dr. Souzan Eassa is a researcher and lecturer in the University of Duhok’s College of Medicine. She is also the Director of Graduate Studies and Scientific Affairs, and is the Head of the Anatomy, Biology and Histology Department. As a veterinarian, Dr. Souzan is interested in the biology of pathogenic parasites and bacteria that impact the health of animals and humans. Her research experience includes Toxoplasma gondii, Giardia lamblia, Bacillus anthracis spores and toxins, cultures, diagnostics and binding to Synthetic Polymeric Carbohydrate-Bearing Molecules. Dr. Souzan joined this fellowship to collaborate with public health experts, and to network with health professionals in different specialties. She hopes to improve health security in her community and promote collaboration among different universities in Iraq.

Dr. Suhad Saad Mahmood

University of Baghdad

Dr. Suhad Saad Mahmood is an Assistant Professor in the University of Baghdad’s College of Science, Biotechnology Department. She holds a PhD in biotechnology with a specialization in medical bacteriology, and has research experience with pathogenic bacteria diagnosis and multi-drug resistance. Dr. Suhad joined this fellowship to gain new teaching skills and to inspire her students to tackle health security challenges in their communities.

Dr. Wafaa N. Al-Hussainni

Central Public Health Laboratories

Dr. Wafaa N. Al-Hussainni holds a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. She became the Director of the Clinical Lab section at Arusafa Directorate, and later served as the Director of the Central Public Health Laboratories (CPHL). Dr. Wafaa is passionate about biosafety, biosecurity, antimicrobial resistance, one health, and communicable diseases, and she joined this fellowship to increase her knowledge of health security in the hopes of one day seeing all Iraqi healthcare workers with strong biosecurity awareness.

Dr. Wala’a Shawkat Ali

University of Baghdad

Dr. Wala’a Shawkat Ali is an Assistant Professor in the University of Baghdad’s College of Science, Department of Biology. Her research interests include probiotics, lactic acid bacteria and their bacteriocins, microbial biotechnology, food safety and food microbiology. Dr. Wala’a joined this fellowship to learn more about health security, biosafety and biosecurity, and to share this knowledge with her students and her community.

Dr. Zahraa Haleem Khaleel Al-Qaim

Al-Mustaqbal University

Dr. Zahraa Haleem Al-Qaim is the Director of the Department of Medical Laboratories at Al-Mustaqbal University, which includes pathological analysis techniques, anesthesia, x-rays, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.). She holds a PhD in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, and is also interested in gene therapy and infectious diseases. Dr. Zahraa joined this fellowship to strengthen the relations between many Iraqi universities and universities around the world to integrate science and diplomacy in an effective way.

Mr. Abdul Sattar Aswed Kokez Al-Seedi

Alameed University

Mr. Abdul Sattar Al-Seedi is an Assistant Lecturer in the Alameed University’s Faculty of Nursing, branch of basic sciences. He is a microbiologist and is most interested in vaccination, antibiotic resistance and tuberculosis detection. He joined this fellowship to improve his knowledge of health security and to educate his students and colleagues.

Mr. Aryan Mahmood Faraj

Sulaimani Polytechnic University

Mr. Aryan Mahmood Faraj is an Assistant Lecturer in Sulaimani Polytechnic University’s Haolabja College of Applied Science. His research experience has focused on studying cancer cells at the molecular level, and he received his PhD in molecular biology and genetics of cancer cells from Firat University in Turkey.

Dr. Osama Hamid Shareef

Sulaimani Polytechnic University

Dr. Osama Hamid Shareef is a lecturer in Sulaimani Polytechnic University’s Haolabja Technical Institute, Department of Medical Laboratories. His research interests include the microbial genomes, and how variation appears during the spread of endemic diseases. Dr. Osama joined the fellowship to learn more about global health security and to share this knowledge with his students.

Ms. Ghufran Muhammed Hassan

University of Baghdad

Ms. Ghufran Muhammed Hassan is an Assistant Lecturer in the University of Baghdad’s College of Sciences. She has a Master’s degree in zoology with a specialization in parasitology, and her research focuses on Leishmaniasis tropica in Iraq.

Dr. Ali Anok Njum

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University

Dr. Ali Anok Njum holds a PhD in microbiology from Al Qadisiyah University, and was later appointed as the Assistant Dean for Scientific Research in the Veterinary Medical College. Dr. Ali was also appointed as the Head Coordinator and the Director of Diagnostic Labs within the Biology Department of Al-Muthana University. He has published over 25 academic papers, and has supervised MSc students in the fields of virology and microbiology.

Dr. Nawfal Hussein Khudhair Al-Dujaili

University of Kufa

Dr. Nawfal is an assistant professor, researcher, lecturer and trainer at the University of Kufa. His research interests include molecular and basic biotechnology, nanobiotechnology, cloning, bioseparation and global health. Professionally, Dr. Nawfal has experience with electron microscopes, recombinant DNA technology, bioinformatics, DNA sequencing, protein sequencing, biosynthesis, characterization of nanoparticles, etc. He joined this fellowship to enhance his skills in curriculum development related to global health security, and to expand his professional network within the field.

Professor Safi Dakhil Al-Zaiady

Kerbala University

Professor Safi Dakhil Al-Zaiady is a lecturer in Kerbala University’s College of Nursing. He holds a Master’s degree in Psychiatric Nursing and is interested in learning more about health security and safety.