February 16, 2018

The Risk Of Skilled Scientist Radicalization And Emerging Biological Warfare Threats

HSP’s Executive Director, Dr. Jason Rao is an editor of this recent NATO publication.

The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme serves to foster scientific discussions, knowledge exchange and innovative collaborations between NATO members. Volume 138 of its publication series is entitled, “The Risk of Skilled Scientist Radicalization and Emerging Biological Warfare Threats” with contributions from Jason Rao.

In today’s global climate, the threat of radicalization is pervasive, as organizations such as the Islamic State continue to expand their influence and terror. As terrorism becomes more commonplace, novel approaches are being explored, namely through the weaponization of highly infectious pathogens. This can more easily be achieved through the recruitment of skilled scientists. This publication explores the contributing factors, risks, and attempts to combat scientific recruitment within terrorist organizations.  

While the full text is not available for free online viewing, please check out a preview here!