September 27, 2016

Welcoming A New Health Security Policy Fellow

We’re excited to announce that Liz Meier recently joined the HSP team as a Health Security Policy Fellow. She is working toward a Ph.D. in the Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular Biology (BCMB) program at Johns Hopkins University where she studies a novel class of membrane proteins important during bacterial cell division.

“My foray into science came about rather serendipitously. Since high school, I have loved speaking Spanish and learning about Latin American culture, history and literature.
Yet a biology course during my second year of college revealed an entirely different way of thinking about the world. Just like learning a new language, studying science as a newcomer feels like an immersion into a foreign culture.  Initially, you feel overwhelmed and out of place, but once you know the basics, you feel like less of an outsider and begin to identify with fellow “science speakers.” I feel very fortunate that I was able to pursue both Biology and Latin American studies and hope one day to use science policy to bridge my two passions.

Beyond the bench, fundamental microbiology research like mine has important public health implications. Although the connection is not always immediately obvious, enhancing our basic understanding of how bacteria grow and divide is essential for combating antimicrobial resistance. At HSP, I hope to increase public awareness about how, unchecked, antimicrobial resistance threatens the safety of our entire global community. In addition, I am excited to learn more about the different roles for basic scientists in furthering global health security.”