March 25, 2020

HSP Health Security Futures Fellows Conduct Infectious Disease And Waste Management Workshop In Pakistan

HSP Health Security Futures Fellows in Pakistan, Perbhat Ali and Anam Liaquat Ali, conducted a one-day workshop, “Infectious Diseases and Waste Management Plan: An Update,” in collaboration with Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi on March 8, 2020.  This workshop aimed to help the participants implement best practices for biological waste management in their home facilities. Healthcare professionals from the Dow University of Health Sciences and Civil Hospital Karachi attended the workshop to learn about the safe disposal of waste, management of waste spills, packaging and transportation of waste, emergency response procedures and donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment.
This workshop was the second phase of Perbhat’s and Anam’s fellowship project to address waste management issues in hospitals. In the first phase of the project they conducted a survey to assess the knowledge of healthcare professionals about the waste management in Karachi hospital settings. They then worked with local expert Dr. Shaheen Sharafat of Dow University to develop and implement a training which addressed the knowledge gaps identified in the survey. We congratulate our fellows on their achievement!