March 12, 2020

HSP Partners Supporting The COVID-19 Pandemic Response

HSP partners around the world are working tirelessly to strengthen capacity to prevent, detect and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the onset of the outbreak, our partners have been champions of health security, working to raise awareness, train health and laboratory professionals to enhance preparedness, and support the response to COVID-19 infections in their countries. We are inspired by the extraordinary initiative and commitment of our network of global partners and congratulate them on their hard work. The following is a snapshot of the contributions of HSP partners from 5 countries; we will be adding new partners, countries, and activities to this blogpost in the coming weeks, so be sure to check back regularly! If you have any questions, please contact


Dr. Saeed Khan, Professor of Virology Molecular Diagnostics from the DOW Institute of Medical Sciences, and longtime HSP partner, has led the coronavirus preparedness and response in Karachi. He has held awareness raising workshops at key universities and hospitals across Karachi, trained health workers on best practices for infection prevention, and promoted public education through numerous television broadcasts and seminars. He also headed the rapid development of the COVID-19 test at DOW Institute of Medical Sciences, currently one of the few hospitals offering COVID-19 testing in Pakistan. He has spearheaded training programs and incentives for housekeeping staff, who are often neglected in safety/infection prevention programs and have no opportunities for continuing education but are critical to patient care and laboratory functions. Dr. Saeed Khan serves as the Vice President of the Pakistan Biological Safety Association (PBSA) and ASM Country Ambassador in Pakistan.


HSP Iraq Fellow, Assistant Professor Dr. Arwa Mujahid Al-Shuwaikh, from the Department of Microbiology at Al-Nahrain University College of Medicine, has become a champion for coronavirus awareness and clinical training in Iraq. Starting in mid-February, she has conducted a series of workshops, “Novel Coronavirus nCoV-2019: Management, Prevention & Control” for university faculty and students and for hospital staff.  She has trained >200 participants from the health sector in collaboration with the Iraqi Medical Association, the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA), and the Al Imamain Al Kadhimain Medical City Hospital. 


HSP partner and Professor of Virology at the University of Tripoli, Dr. Ibrahim Eldaghayes, has been heavily involved in coronavirus awareness campaigns and workshops throughout Libya. Dr. Eldaghayes recently presented lectures at the University of Tripoli, the Food and Drug Control Center in Tripoli and at the University of Asmaria in Zliten. Regarded as a local champion for health security, Dr. Eldaghayes has been invited by radio stations, including Tadamon Radio and Watania Radio, and short TV interviews for live talks on the novel coronavirus outbreak. “Libya so far is still free from COVID-19, and it is important to talk to all Libyans, as well as to participate in Libyan social media, to cover all topics about this new disease and to explain all measures that should be taken before the outbreak, so to get ready to do all necessary actions during and after the emerging of the outbreak." Dr. Ibrahim Eldaghayes


Dr. Socorro Lupisan, retired Director of the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM), is providing expert consultation to the Department of Health (DOH) through risk assessments and planning for the Coronavirus COVID-19 response in the Philippines. 


Dr. Diah Iskandriati, DVM, Ph.D, Senior Researcher at the Primate Research Center and longtime HSP partner, led a Tea Break Talk on Coronavirus Infection in Animals and Zoonoses, at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Dr. Diah Iskandriati and Dr. Joko Pamungkas, both Senior Researchers at the Primate Research Center, IPB also led a Public Seminar "Detecting, Preventing and Responding to Emerging Infectious Disease (EID) Coronavirus," at the City Hall in Bogor. The event was jointly organized by the Bogor City Government's Food and Agriculture Service, the Indonesian Veterinary Public Health Association, the Indonesian Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Association, the Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (PDHI) of West Java-2 Chapter, and the FAO-ECTAD Indonesia. The event brought together over 100 participants from all sectors to support preparedness for COVID-19.  

Prof. Herawati Sudoyo, Deputy Director, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and Head of the Medical commission, Indonesian Academy of Sciences, organized a seminar for the scientific community in Jakarta titled, “Responding to Coronavirus 2019-nCoV: From Eijkman Institute for Indonesia.” A panel of experts discussed the novel coronavirus in the context of zoonotic disease and spillover events, emphasizing the need for wildlife surveillance and protection. Dr. Sudoyo has also been featured on multiple television shows to educate the public on preparedness for the new coronavirus.    Thank you to all our partners for contributing to this post!