HSP Program Managers Traveled to Singapore to Attend the 10th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC) 2022
Last week two HSP program managers traveled to Singapore to attend the 10th International Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC) 2022. APSIC was established in 1998 as a multi-national organization that is dedicated to advancing infection control practices with the overarching goal of reducing hospital associated infections (HAI), monitoring and controlling emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, and improving patient outcomes. To that end, APSIC, brought together multidisciplinary infection prevention and control (IPC) professionals in the region to share knowledge, experience, skills, and research findings. HSP staff were honored to attend the conference and excited to learn from SEA experts about regional HAI surveillance, hand hygiene, multi-drug resistant organisms, regional antibiotic stewardship, the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to IPC moving forward, and much more.
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