HSP Provides COVID-19 Safety Training To Local Pakistani Meat Market Workers
In Pakistan, HSP Partner and Association for Biorisk Management (ABM) staff member, Dr. Bashir Ahmad recently visited a meat market in Quetta City, to help train meat handlers and other market workers about important COVID-19 safety measures.
Recently, Pakistan has been hit hard by a second coronavirus wave and despite the government’s health guidelines, there has been an exceptional amount of community spread. To help lower the rate of new cases, Dr. Bashir identified this local market because it is a high traffic area with other features that make it an ideal place for COVID-19 transmission.
During his visit, Dr. Bashir brought together butchers, meat handlers, and various merchants to talk about the necessary steps to mitigate the threat of COVID-19. The informal training covered the importance of social distancing, hand hygiene, wearing masks and gloves, as well as, other hygienic procedures during meat handling and customer interaction.
The training was so successful and well-received that the attendees promise to spread the word to other meat market vendors in the area and the local administration requested that ABM conduct similar sessions across the region both at meat markets and animal trade fairs.
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