HSP-Supported Provincial Livestock Sector Development Strategy Incorporating Biorisk Management Approved by the Cabinet in Pakistan
HSP and its Pakistani partners at the Association for Biorisk Management (ABM) are proud to share that on April 12, 2022, the provincial cabinet of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan approved the Livestock Sector Development Strategy and 10-Year Business Plan for 89 billion rupees (~$490 M). This is the first provincial livestock policy in Pakistan that incorporates biorisk management (BRM) for laboratories and it was developed through ABM/HSP engagement and technical assistance to the Livestock Department. The policy provides the strategy, business plan and legal framework for the provincial government to address critical biosecurity, biosafety, and high consequence pathogen (HCP) detection and reporting challenges in the livestock sector of KP. This policy will serve as a model for other provinces in Pakistan to emulate and will facilitate safe and secure laboratories. Beginning in 2017, ABM/HSP brought together key stakeholders and SMEs to develop the KP Livestock strategy including key elements of BRM and HCP surveillance. ABM/HSP hosted numerous stakeholder engagements, including awareness raising, focus groups, a two-day country-level workshop, and a three-day working symposium to review and build consensus on the draft policy. Once the policy document was finalized, ABM/HSP worked with in-country subject matter experts and officials from the Livestock Department and law ministries to develop a business plan and the legal frameworks required to implement the policy. The package was then presented by the Provincial Livestock Department to the KP cabinet for review and final approval. News articles related to the approval of the policy can be found below: https://www.brecorder.com/news/40166939
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