HSP Supports Attendees to the TEPHINET 11th Global Scientific Conference
HSP supported a delegation from Indonesia to participate in the TEPHINET 11th Global Scientific Conference in Panama City, Panama on September 4-10. Three participants attended in person, including two representatives from FETP-Indonesia and one FETP student whose work was accepted for an oral presentation. An additional six students participated virtually to successfully present their posters. This year was a return to an in-person event for the conference and coincided with the 25th anniversary of the TEPHINET program. The conference theme was “Improving Pandemic Preparedness, Response, and Equity through Field Epidemiology Training,” and was attended by FETP trainees, graduates, mentors, staff, and other public health professionals working as epidemiologists, veterinarians, laboratory scientists, and clinicians. The conference offered valuable networking and learning opportunities for the HSP supported attendees!
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