March 22, 2016

Meet The New Health Security Partners Spring Associates

The arrival of our new spring associates is a significant milestone for HSP. The associate program recruits the very best and brightest to HSP to not only bring new ideas and perspective to our programs, but also ultimately make major contributions to advance our mission. As the first ever associates for HSP, expectations are high for Kate Consavage and Hannah Cummins. Kate is set to design and launch HSP’s communication strategy, leveraging her stellar background and interest in global health. Using her past experience with organizations like Sandia National Laboratories, Hannah is poised to take HSP’s virtual learning platform to the next level to ensure that even those in the most remote areas of the world are engaged and able to contribute to global health security. Both Kate and Hannah will also participate in HSP’s flagship program, the Health Security Futures Fellowship, next month in Amsterdam to work along side their Pakistani counterparts to develop innovative solutions to health security challenges. Please join me in welcoming Kate and Hannah, and be sure to follow their progress here on our blog, Facebook and Twitter -Jason Rao, HSP Advisory Chair.

Name: Kate Consavage
Age: 22
Position: Program Associate
Hometown: Derry, NH
Previous/current education: 
B.S. in Biology from Emmanuel College,
M.S. in Global Health from Georgetown University

What attracted you to working for HSP?

“I was initially attracted to HSP because health security is an area I have learned much about during my studies but have yet to address in a practical, real-world manner. As soon as I interviewed for HSP, I knew this organization was the perfect next step for my career. From their partnerships in countries worldwide to their focus on a whole-of-society approach, HSP aligned with my own belief that health security cannot be addressed solely on a national level, but instead requires global collaboration. Stemming from HSP’s emphasis on educating young health professionals as the next generation of leaders, I envision myself constantly improving my knowledge of health security while simultaneously being encouraged to further pursue my own interests in health security. During my time at HSP, I hope to grow alongside this company and be a key player in its expansion.”

What are your particular areas of interest within health security?

“I am particularly interested in obesity and its impact on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as this is a growing concern for health security worldwide. My time at Georgetown has also broadened my interest in topics including agroterrorism and the pandemic threat of emerging infectious diseases. My work at HSP is helping expand my knowledge about the duality of addressing both the long-term threats to health security, such as NCDs, but also paying particular concern to the immediate security risks like bioterrorism, both aspects of security which I have found fascinating.”

What will you be working on at HSP?

“I will be focused on bolstering HSP’s presence within the media, through outlets such as our blog, website, and Facebook, as well as addressing other aspects of communications and program outreach. I am a fast learner and thrive in an environment where I am tackling new tasks each day, so this position caters to my unique strengths.”

What are your long-term career goals and how will your work at HSP help guide you in that direction?

“As of now, I see myself working in a role that addresses nutrition, obesity, and its implications on NCDs as I believe this is a rising issue globally that must be addressed in a more immediate, diligent manner to prevent further growth in disease burden. I have not solidified my future career goals or set my mind to one specific topic of interest, so I hope that my time at HSP will help broaden my knowledge of health security as well as guide me toward where I will best fit within a future career. The skills I will acquire during my time at HSP will also be invaluable assets throughout my entire career.”

What is your favorite place in DC? 

“The Renwick Gallery is my favorite site in DC, but I also love kayaking on the Potomac with my dog in the summer!”

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

“When not at school or work, I spend most of my time with my dog or my friends. I have a passion for cooking, particularly putting a healthy spin on recipes, which I also post in my personal blog. I also love exercising, being outdoors, reading, and exploring new places in DC.”

Name: Hannah Cummins
Age: 25
Position: Program Associate
Hometown: Albuquerque, NM
Previous/current education:
B.S. in Biology from the University of New Mexico,
M.S. in Global Health from Georgetown University

What attracted you to working for HSP? 

“I was initially interested in HSP because it aligned well with my background in biorisk management. I was intrigued by HSP’s grassroots approach and beliefs that health security can be promoted through education, collaboration, and stewardship. I love that HSP focuses on developing relationships with students to ensure the next generation of scientists have a foundation in health security, enabling them to develop sustainable solutions to the health security problems faced in their country or region.”

What are your particular areas of interest within health security?

“I am especially interested in the role of biorisk management in infectious disease prevention and control. New and re-emerging infectious diseases have been, and will continue to be, a global concern. In an attempt to respond to the demand for measures to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases, the scientific industry has developed rapidly. Scientific research has led to advancements in knowledge and technologies surrounding infectious diseases which are beneficial, yet these advancements have the potential to be misused for nefarious acts. I am interested in promoting scientific research of pathogenic microorganisms while ensuring the work surrounding research and technological developments is done in a safe and secure manner.”

What will you be working on at HSP?

“As an HSP Program Associate, my primary responsibility is developing curriculum for the Futures Fellowship. Additionally, I will provide program support for the various projects at HSP and help to advocate for HSP both domestically and internationally.”

What are your long-term career goals and how will your work at HSP help guide you in that direction?

“Ultimately, I would like to go to medical school; I believe I would gain the necessary skills and insight as a medical doctor to further support and promote biorisk management and the One Health Initiative. I believe, through my work at HSP, I will gain a better understanding of the health security challenges we as a global community face. HSP’s overarching goal is to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to challenges, which is a skill necessary in all aspects of health and security.”

What is your favorite place in DC?

“It depends on the season! Over the winter, I frequented the Renwick Gallery followed by a stop for something to eat at Old Ebbitt Grill. When the weather is nice, I really enjoy spending time outside either hiking, biking, or kayaking.”

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

“I love trying new things! Whether it is a new restaurant, checking out a new exhibit at a museum, reading a book about something I know little about, or a last minute adventure with friends, I am always happy to try something new! I enjoy reading, hiking, yoga, kayaking, cooking, but most of all traveling.”