March 25, 2016

The Futures Of Health Security Meet: Two Week Countdown To Amsterdam

The next cohort of Health Security Futures Fellows was brought together in Lahore for an orientation for the intensive program slated for April in Amsterdam, and year-long program to follow. Twelve 2016 Futures Fellows from Pakistan along with five 2015 Futures Fellow alumni from across the provinces came together for the kickoff.

Starting with an introduction from each Fellow, the meeting quickly delved into sessions addressing key concepts such as the vision and mission of HSP, the agenda for the upcoming Training Institute in Amsterdam, Netherlands, the responsibilities and expectations of Futures Fellows, and an introduction to the Canvas platform which will be used for lectures and discussions throughout the year. The incoming Fellows also had a chance to hear from prior 2015 Fellows about their experiences and ask questions during both the main orientation meeting as well as individual meetings between incoming and past fellows.

The HSP team has been hard at work refining the training institute and year-long curriculums and finalizing details for the Amsterdam program; we are equally eager for the kickoff next month. We remain humbled by the enthusiastic support from last year’s Fellows who were willing to give up their day to share how our Futures Fellowship has impacted their lives. HSP team members in the U.S. are counting down the days until we leave for Amsterdam so we can meet, collaborate with, and learn from these talented incoming Futures Fellows in person. Tune in for a short introduction from each 2016 Fellow, both those from Pakistan and the U.S., coming soon to the blog!