February 27, 2020

Supporting Policy Development For Sustainable Livestock Management In Pakistan

HSP has worked in collaboration with our local partner in Pakistan, the Association for Biorisk Management (ABM), to support the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) provincial government to develop and implement a livestock policy. The policy was approved in May 2018 and the finalization of an implementation plan is now underway.

On Friday, February 07, the KP Livestock Department and ABM held a one-day consultative meeting to review the strategic and business plan for the policy.

A total of 25 participants, including high ranking officials from the provincial and national government, subject matter experts, and representatives from the Pakistan Veterinary and Medical Association and FAO attended the meeting to provide feedback and recommendations.

The experts strongly supported the establishment of a comprehensive strategic and business plan for policy implementation and recognized the efforts of the KP Livestock Department and ABM to strengthen and promote sustainable livestock management in the province.

It was agreed that the changes recommended by the experts would be incorporated and the final document would be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, KP for approval by the end of February 2020.