August 2023 |
HSP and YAEMD Begin 3-Day Workshop on CBRN Incident Detection and Response in Yemen
Health Security Partners to collaborate with the Chemical Industries Association of the Philippines on Mentorship Program for the Establishment of Human Reliability Programs for the Philippines Chemical Industry
July 2023 |
WHO Global Research
HSP, SB3 and Partners Host Zoonotic Disease Detection and Reporting Workshop from 27-30 June 2023 in Mairipora, Sao Paulo, Brazil
CDC-Indonesia’s Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Orientation in Jakarta
June 2023 |
Libyan Chemical Risk Officer Training Workshop—Tunis, Tunisia
Chemical Threat Detection and Response for Medical First Responders
Health Security Partners Collaborates with the CDC for a Point Prevalence Survey (PPS)
HSP, ABM-Pakistan and the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Host Workshop
Health Security Partners and Ibb University Train Yemeni Academics on Biorisk Management
Health Security Partners and Marmara University Train Turkish Academics on Technology Transfer Best Practices
OHZDP Workshop
May 2023 |
One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Facilitator Training in Phuket, Thailand
Global Action in Healthcare Network (GAIHN) team consisting of staff from Health Security Partners (HSP) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Southeast Asia Avian Influenza Workshop
Safeguarding Biosecurity and Cyberbiosecurity in Toxin and Venom Research Laboratories Workshop
April 2023 |
Health Security Partners, the Brazilian Biosafety & Biosecurity Society (SB3), and Argentinian partners - Biorisk Management for High-Containment Laboratories
HSP Biosecurity Champions Fellow selected as a Global Young Academy member
HSP and the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory and Response Network (GARLRN)
March 2023 |
HSP and LCSSS Host Two-Day Virtual Training on Chemical Safety and Security in Libya