Happening Now

February 2023
HSP Supports Participation of 2021 Pakistan Biosecurity Champions Fellow in the Global Young Scientists Summit
HSP Supports Participation of 2021 Pakistan Biosecurity Champions Fellow in the Global Young Scientists Summit
HSP Supports Participation of 2021 Pakistan Biosecurity Champions Fellow in the Global Young Scientists Summit
HSP Supports Participation of 2021 Pakistan Biosecurity Champions Fellow in the Global Young Scientists Summit
HSP Supports Participation of 2021 Pakistan Biosecurity Champions Fellow in the Global Young Scientists Summit
January 2023
HSP and Ibb University Host Chemical Security Workshop in Yemen HSP and Ibb University Host Chemical Security Workshop in Yemen
HSP and One Health Stakeholders Meeting
HSP and partners at the Nigerian Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA)
HSP Hosts National Consultative Workshop in Pakistan for the Establishment and Strengthening of University Institutional Biosafety Committees
Call for 2023 Health Security Futures Fellowship - Pakistan Applications
December 2022
HSP Pakistan Centers of Excellence Call for Proposals
HSP Supports Indonesia MOH in Fighting Polio Outbreak
Health Security Partners (HSP) and Brazilian Society for Biosafety and Biosecurity (SB3)
HSP and Ibb University Chemical Security Workshops in Yemen
HSP and the BioRisk Association of the Philippines (BRAP)
HSP and the Federation of Asian Biotech Associations (FABA)
HSP and the Association for Biorisk Management to Host National-Level Institutional Biosafety Committee Consultative Workshop in January 2023
Phase Two of HSP/BRAP2015’s Biosecurity Risk Assessment and Mitigation Training
November 2022
HSP in Collaboration With Mexican Biosafety Association (AMEXBIO) Will Kick Off “Strengthening Cybersecurity and Biosecurity for High Containment Labs: Introduction to Cyberbiosecurity” Symposium From November 16 to 18, 2022
HSP in Collaboration With Mexican Biosafety Association (AMEXBIO) Will Kick Off “Strengthening Cybersecurity and Biosecurity for High Containment Labs: Introduction to Cyberbiosecurity” Symposium From November 16 to 18, 2022
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