December 15, 2022

Health Security Partners (HSP) and Brazilian Society for Biosafety and Biosecurity (SB3)

From December 6-9, 2022, Health Security Partners (HSP) and Brazilian Society for Biosafety and Biosecurity (SB3) hosted the Cyberprotection for Biomedical Institutions Train-the-Trainers workshop. The workshop brought together teams of IT professionals and scientists from Brazilian research institutions for a training on implementation of cyber-hygiene best practices at the institutional level to protect valuable research data and other sensitive information from potential cyberattacks. There were many discussion points, including: Cybersecurity’s Framework five functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover Challenges in risk management and technical norms under biosecurity perspectives Understanding cybersecurity risks for laboratories and surrounding communities Strategies for strengthening laboratory cyberbiosecurity capacity Preparing for cyber-incidents The different types of data stored and transmitted through information technology platforms and its risks Laboratory and IT equipment and technologies Mitigating social engineering and fostering a culture of responsibility Developing institutional cybersecurity policies, procedures, and practices Following the training, participants returned to their home institutions with intentions of replicating the knowledge and practice for their partners and collaborators. HSP is immensely grateful for SB3’s support and looks forward to working together again soon.
