HSP Joins Fleming Fund Nigeria Team, Adds New Animal Health Advisor
HSP is proud to announce a joint venture in Nigeria with the Fleming Fund, a British aid program that helps combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in low- or middle-income countries. The work will focus on the prevalence of AMR in different livestock populations.
To help facilitate the project in Nigeria, HSP has hired Dr. Olufemi Olatoye, an experienced animal health epidemiologist, to serve as Animal Health Advisor. HSP is incredibly excited to have him on staff for the duration of this project.
Here is more about Dr. Olatoye’s background and experience in his own words:
“I am currently an Associate Professor of Veterinary Public Health and Preventative Medicine at the University of lbadan in Nigeria. My research focus is based on epidemiological surveillance of food-borne and zoonotic bacteria, antibiotic residues, and research along the food chain.
“Before venturing into research, I gained 10-years of field experience in veterinary drug marketing, distribution, usage, and animal health services. I have also worked for more than 15 years in epidemiological surveillance research in animal health, food safety, and antimicrobial residue and resistance.
“I have participated and led several projects in the field, which resulted in many publications. I have worked in standard laboratories within and outside Nigeria on phenotypic and genotypic isolation, as well as the characterization of bacteria and antimicrobial resistance, especially using the ISO protocols.
“I am also an Adjunct Faculty at the School of Global Animal Health at Washington State University, Pullman. I have also participated in several national codex and antimicrobial resistance technical group activities with livestock and fishery policy makers in Nigeria.”
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