Happening Now

August 02, 2019

HSP Spotlight: Samreen Sarwar Attends UN Workshop

HSP Technical Advisor Samreen Sarwar will participate in the first "Global South Biosecurity Diplomacy Workshop" for young scientists hosted by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) on August 3-4, 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. At the workshop she will be part of a select group of 20 young scientists, chosen by UNODA through a competitive review process, from across the Global South working on topics related to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Expert speakers will … Continue Reading

May 28, 2019

HSP Iraq Fellows Translate AMR Dictionary Through Engaged Learning Exercise

During HSP's recent Fellowship Training Institute in Iraq, a group learning approach on the topic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was used, resulting not only in a better outcome, but a useful product for Iraq and the region. Using the publicly available AMR Dictionary, the class of 23 fellows was divided into four groups, and each group was assigned a couple of chapters. Groups read the assigned chapters, reviewed the links within the dictionary, and prepared a 15-minute presentation for … Continue Reading

May 23, 2019

Preparing For Brucellosis Control In Borena Zone, Ethiopia

May 9-16: HSP's Dr. Fanaye Dadi, a health educator and physician, and two members of the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), Dr. Eyasu Tigabu, and Mr. Negga Asamene recently traveled to Borena Zone in southern Ethiopia. Borena is home to a large pastoralist population where animals and humans live in close proximity and the zoonotic disease, brucellosis, is highly prevalent due to the local practice of drinking raw milk. HSP, EPHI, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Continue Reading

May 07, 2019

Introducing New 2019 Health Security Stewards From Iraq!

Health Security Partners is thrilled to introduce the 2019 Health Security Stewards Fellows from Iraq! This cohort brings together researchers and faculty from universities across Iraq with expertise in clinical microbiology, public health and veterinary health. The Stewards Fellowship commenced with a Training Institute, held in Baghdad, Iraq on March 10-12. Throughout the event, the Fellows engaged with expert lecturers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Jordan and Iraq on topics … Continue Reading

May 06, 2019

HSP Co-Hosts Culture Of Responsibility In Conflict Zones Workshop At The Izmir Institute of Technology

From April 12th to 14th, 2019, HSP co-hosted a Culture of Responsibility in Conflict Zones Workshop with partners at the Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey. The Training-of-Trainers style conference took place in Çesme. The forty participants in attendance included faculty and leadership from 12 universities across Eastern and Southern Turkey that support large populations of students that have been forced to flee the conflict in Syria. According to the United Nation High … Continue Reading

May 03, 2019

HSP Meets With The Minister For Livestock To Advance BRM Activities In Pakistan

HSP Program Director, Dr. Javed Khan, and CEO of the Association for Biorisk Management (ABM), Dr. Asghar Ali recently met with local government in Pakistan. Specifically, discussions with the Minister for Livestock, Sardar Hasnain Bahadur Dreshak focused on advancing a partnership agreement with the provincial government of Punjab and extending biorisk management (BRM) activities to the province. On April 15, Dr. Khan and Dr. Ali briefed the Minister on HSP's global programs and dove … Continue Reading

April 30, 2019

Health Security Cohort Leads Biosecurity Track At The National CBRN Conference In Iraq

The HSP-trained cohort of 23 Health Security Fellows enthusiastically participated in the 4th National Coordination Conference on CBRN Safety & Security, 14-16 April 2019, in Baghdad. The Fellows' 9 posters and 15 talks led the biosecurity track of CBRN at the conference. During a special session for the Fellows convened by HSP's Executive Director, the cohort shared some of the many training activities they have conducted over the past month to advance health security at their … Continue Reading

April 09, 2019

HSP Fellows Are Promoting Health Security Education Across Iraq

Since the Iraq Stewards Fellowship Training Institute of March 10-12, 2019 in Baghdad, several HSP Fellows have taken the initiative to hold seminars and workshops on health security topics at their home institutions and communities. An important objective of the HSP fellowship is to empower Fellows to educate faculty and students and provide outreach to their communities. We congratulate the Fellows on their achievements. Many other events by other HSP Fellows have just been completed, are … Continue Reading

April 04, 2019

Developing Brucellosis Prevention Measures In Ethiopia

HSP is partnering with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) to address human brucellosis in southern Ethiopia. Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that primarily affects cattle, sheep, goats, and camels and is passed to humans through unpasteurized milk, infected meat, and contact with animal secretions. In humans, brucellosis can affect any organ or organ system in the body and is difficult to diagnose due to varying symptoms. A common … Continue Reading

March 21, 2019

Health Security Partners Conducts Fellowship Training Institute In Baghdad

Health Security Partners (HSP) partnered with the University of Babylon to conduct a three-day Training Institute, 10-12 March 2019, in Baghdad, for 23 HSP Stewards Fellows from universities and research institutions across Iraq. A team of HSP trainers from the U.S., U.K., Jordan, and Iraq led the very productive training institute. The diverse group of Fellows were eager to learn, share their experience and recommendations, as well as work together to strengthen health security capacities in … Continue Reading

March 12, 2019

Cecelia's Corner

HSP's Spring Health Security Fellow, Cecelia Madsen will be attending various events and discussions across Washington, D.C during her time with us. Below are her summaries and takeaway notes from each. February 19, 2019 Georgetown Global Health Initiative Seminar Series Global Health Security in Conflict and Crisis: A Conversation with Dr. Beth Cameron, Nuclear Threat Initiative Dr. Beth Cameron currently serves as Senior Director for Global Biological Policy and Programs at the … Continue Reading

March 08, 2019

HSP Partners With Libya To Bolster Biosafety And Biosecurity Systems

HSP has partnered with a team of Libyan experts led by Dr. Badereddin Annajar, General Director of the Libyan National Center of Disease Control (NCDC), to bolster biosafety and biosecurity systems in Libya. Despite the ongoing conflict in Libya, key One Health stakeholders are fully committed and enthusiastic about building health security capacity towards the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). The HSP team met with the Libyan team of experts from 24-26 … Continue Reading

February 21, 2019

HSP Technical Advisor Samreen Sarwar Earns Fourth IFBA Certification!

Samreen now holds IFBA professional certifications in biorisk management, biological waste management, biosafety cabinet selection, installation and safe use and biosecurity. Achieving IFBA professional certification demonstrates excellence, professionalism, and continuous learning in the fields of biosafety, biosecurity, and biorisk management. Samreen is also a graduate of the Pakistan Biological Safety Association (PBSA) Master Trainers program and holds an M. Phil in Molecular Biology from … Continue Reading

February 07, 2019

HSP Welcomes New Program Coordinator!

We're excited to announce that Sharanya Joshi has joined the HSP team as a Program Coordinator to support our work around the world. She recently graduated from Ithaca College with a Bachelor's Degree in Politics. "Born in India, and raised by two parents working in international development, most of my family holidays were trips to South Asia, visiting both large cities and small villages. Over the years, I've lived and studied in the Netherlands, the UK, and the US. My travels first sparked … Continue Reading

February 05, 2019

HSP Welcomes Spring Health Security Fellow

We are proud to announce Cecelia Madsen has joined HSP as this year's Health Security Fellow. Cecelia is a graduate student in Cornell University's Master of Public Health program, with a concentration in Food Systems for Health. She comes to HSP and D.C. to explore the link between public health and policy, and is especially interested in learning about the roles of project design and implementation for effective local capacity building. With undergraduate degrees from Cornell in Government, … Continue Reading

January 07, 2019

UVAS Continues To Spearhead Biosafety Trainings In Pakistan

This past November, the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) in Lahore, Pakistan partnered with HSP to conduct an advanced level biosafety workshop at the UVAS Pattoki Campus. This is part of a series of biosafety workshops and zoonotic disease seminars being conducted by UVAS as part of HSP's Centers of Excellence program. This workshop comprised twenty participants, who were selected following an August 2018 basic awareness raising workshop, on the basis of their scores and … Continue Reading

January 03, 2019

New Congress Gives New Hope To The Science Of Evidence Based Policy Making

It's been over a month since the 2018 mid-term elections in the U.S., and amongst all the chaos that continues to unfold under the Trump Administration, there remains one undeniable beacon of hope: Congress. Sworn in today, the 116th Congress is being hailed as the most diverse Congress we've seen in its 200+ year history, with the first Native American, the first Muslim and seven scientists being elected to serve! The last Congress had only two representatives with advanced degrees in STEM … Continue Reading

January 03, 2019

Introducing HSP's Newest Team Member, Trish Westenbroek!

HSP welcomes Trish Westenbroek to the team as Senior Program Specialist, where she will execute a range of global health security programs. She comes to us with over 15 years of experience managing animal health and agricultural development projects and programs for the public, private, and academic sectors. After completing her M.Sc. in Agricultural Development from the University of Aberdeen, UK, she supported a wide-range of agricultural development activities in the university extension … Continue Reading

October 31, 2018

The Dirty Work Of Bio-Waste Management - Recent Workshops At The University of Punjab

Laboratory professionals and researchers from eleven institutes across Pakistan, specifically from Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Islamabad attended two consecutive bio-waste management workshops at the Center for Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore. These workshops were organized in collaboration with CEMB, Gull's Association, and HSP in an effort to train both laboratory personnel and house keeping staff on proper bio-waste management practices. While … Continue Reading

October 26, 2018

An Inside Look At HSP Executive Director, Dr. Jason Rao's Science Diplomacy Journey

HSP's Executive Director, Dr. Jason Rao has been published in Molecular Biology of the Cell, Volume 29. This article, entitled 'A Career in Science Policy and Diplomacy: From Banana Slug to Diplomat' takes readers through Dr. Rao's personal, academic and professional journey to harness his passions, make meaningful impacts, and mentor others to do the same. Throughout this article, Dr. Rao candidly reflects on the people and opportunities that have guided his journey, and emphasizes the … Continue Reading

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