Happening Now

October 10, 2018

Critical Biosafety Trainings Strengthen Pakistan's Laboratory Network: UVAS In The Spotlight

This past August, the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore (UVAS) in partnership with HSP, trained laboratory professionals and researchers from different public and private sector facilities across Pakistan. Both diagnostic and research laboratory personnel from Kashmir, Interior Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were trained on best biosafety practices. The biosafety experts gave key note lectures on the significance and establishment of an Institutional … Continue Reading

September 21, 2018

Outbreak Response Trainings In The Philippines

This week, the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) in partnership with HSP, trained field health workers from the Northern Mindanao and Davao regions of the Philippines on best practices for planning and conducting outbreak response. This is part of a series of workshops to roll-out the RITM Manual on Specimen Collection, Storage, Handling and Transport during Infectious Disease Outbreak. The trainings also aim to enhance coordination, reporting and joint outbreak investigations … Continue Reading

July 24, 2018

Event Briefing: Chemical Warfare & Infectious Disease Preparedness

HSP Summer Associate, Jackson Cherner recently attended two events in Washington, D.C. relating to health security. Below are his key take-away messages from each: June 12, 2018 U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Gov. Affairs Roundtable Discussion - Examining the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) Program Background: The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs recently convened for a hearing concerning the reauthorization of CFATS, or the … Continue Reading

July 18, 2018

HSP Catalyzes South-South Cooperation In Asia For Global Health Security

HSP, in collaboration with the Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN), hosted a three-day consultation meeting on July 10-12, 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia for the implementation of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) in Afghanistan. Attendees at the meeting included an Afghan delegation with representation from various government ministries who are involved in the implementation of the GHSA. The meeting began with opening remarks from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, … Continue Reading

July 16, 2018

2018 Pakistan Futures Fellows, Zia And Bashir Collaborate On One Health Project

The 2018 HSP Futures Fellowship is now underway! The fellowship kicked off with a training institute (June 25-28) in Baku, Azerbaijan where the cohort met with HSP staff, mentors and health security experts. This cohort includes early career scientists from across Pakistan, and tasked them with brainstorming health security project ideas. Two fellows in particular stood out, Dr. Muhammad Awais Zia, MBBS, FCPS, PGPN and Dr. Noman Bashir, DVM. Muhammad comes from a human health background, … Continue Reading

July 05, 2018

HSP Small Grant Awardees And Fellows Reflect On ASM Microbe Research Conference

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) organized the ASM Microbe 2018 conference in Atlanta, Georgia on 7th-11th June 2018. The conference hosted more than 10,000 registered participants, and over 4,000 scientific research posters were presented from all over the world. ASM Microbe had many scientific sessions to meet the experts in interactive sessions, and featured microbiologists in a wide variety of careers. Each microbiologist was encouraged to share insights from their career, and … Continue Reading

June 19, 2018

Introducing HSP's Summer Associate, Jackson Cherner And His Op-Ed: "The Need For Scientists In Politics"

As a rising undergraduate senior at Cornell University, Jackson Cherner is pursuing a career in government with a focus on international affairs. Jackson formerly served as a legislative intern with Carmen Group, where he worked on client research projects, and he also spent time on Capitol Hill writing briefs on key policy issues ranging from health care to international trade. Jackson has also interned with the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities and local government offices. Each of … Continue Reading

June 04, 2018

HOT NORTH Visiting Fellow, Arca Testamenti Travels To Darwin

HSP recently partnered with the Menzies School of Health Research in Darwin, Australia to support a HOT NORTH Visiting Fellowship for an exceptional graduate student from Indonesia's Bogor Agricultural University. Vincentius 'Arca' Testamenti was mentored for two weeks (May 13-26, 2018) on best practices for diagnosis of melioidosis - an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei found in soil and water. The following are Arca's thoughts on this experience: "I … Continue Reading

May 29, 2018

Women From The Aga Khan University Combat Multidrug-Resistant Typhoid

Longtime partners and colleagues of HSP, Dr. Rumina Hasan and Dr. Sadia Shakoor from the Aga Khan University (AKU) in Pakistan continue to make impactful strides in the field of global infectious disease control. These exceptional women have been working with HSP towards improving detection of antimicrobial resistance, and were recently featured in the New York Times, The Economist and The Telegraph to discuss the pressing concern of a multi-drug resistant typhoid outbreak in their … Continue Reading

May 24, 2018

Learning From The Best: Four Fellows Receive Clinical Diagnosis Training At Top Research Laboratory

HSP recently launched a Clinical Diagnostic Fellowship program to mentor select laboratory professionals from Indonesia on best practices for timely laboratory diagnosis and biorisk management of melioidosis. An infectious disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei found in soil and water, melioidosis is endemic to South East Asia. It is currently the rainy season in Thailand and suspected cases are coming in to the hospital, providing unique learning opportunities for each of … Continue Reading

April 05, 2018

Diah Iskandriati Named IFBA Biosafety Hero

Longtime partner of HSP, Diah Iskandriati has been named a Biosafety Hero by the International Federation of Biosafety Associations (IFBA). The Biosafety Heroes program was created to identify exceptional and inspiring individuals in the field of biosafety and biosecurity, specifically those who have made significant contributions to the field. Congratulations to Diah on this incredible accomplishment, and for her continuous efforts in the global fight against infectious diseases! Learn more … Continue Reading

March 28, 2018

Event Briefing: Policy And Global Health Security

Over the past few weeks, HSP Intern, Libby Cha has attended various events in Washington, D.C. relating to health security. Below are her key take-away messages from each: February 26, 2018 Ready or Not: Protecting Public Health from Disease, Disasters and Bioterrorism - Trust for America's Health Congressional Briefing Presentations by John Aeurbach, President and CEO of TFAH; U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12); Lillian Riviera, RN, MSN, PhD, Administrator/Health Officer of Florida … Continue Reading

March 19, 2018

Congresswoman Slaughter, Microbiologist, Passes Away At Age 88

Friday, March 16 marked the end of an era for Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, and U.S. politics, after a sustained head injury took her life at the age of 88 years. An energetic leader of the New York State Democratic party, the first and only woman to chair the House Judiciary Committee, and a passionate champion for progressive change in the House of Representatives for over thirty years, Congresswoman Slaughter will be sorely missed. Having grown up in rural Kentucky, Slaughter's … Continue Reading

March 13, 2018

HSP Executive Director Chairs ASM Biothreats Meeting

HSP played a leading role in the annual ASM Biothreats meeting, February 12-14, 2018, in Baltimore, Maryland. As Chair of the Program Committee, Jason E. Rao, the Executive Director of HSP, completely revamped the meeting by expanding the scope to five tracks this year: High consequence pathogen research, Policy, Biological threat reduction, Product development, and Student/early career. Keynote sessions featured leading experts in diverse areas: Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for … Continue Reading

February 16, 2018

Introducing HSP's New President, Dr. Michael Callahan!

Health Security Partners is thrilled to introduce our new president, Dr. Michael Callahan! Dr. Callahan was unanimously voted into this role, having previously served as a Senior Advisor for HSP and bringing with him a wealth of experience in the field of global infectious disease control and biodefense countermeasures. His commitment to improving health security in exceptionally vulnerable regions of the world will undoubtedly be sustained through HSPs growing initiatives. We are hopeful, … Continue Reading

February 16, 2018

The Risk Of Skilled Scientist Radicalization And Emerging Biological Warfare Threats

HSP's Executive Director, Dr. Jason Rao is an editor of this recent NATO publication. The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme serves to foster scientific discussions, knowledge exchange and innovative collaborations between NATO members. Volume 138 of its publication series is entitled, "The Risk of Skilled Scientist Radicalization and Emerging Biological Warfare Threats" with contributions from Jason Rao. In today's global climate, the threat of radicalization is pervasive, as … Continue Reading

February 08, 2018

The Nature Of Anthrax

As Americans, hearing the word "anthrax" is unnerving. Our blood runs icy in memory of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks following in the weeks after 9/11. America was reeling from its most devastating terrorist attack in history - our national security had been stripped, and we felt for once, vulnerable. The anthrax attacks continue to be the most infamous example of bioterrorism our country has faced, and has resulted in anthrax becoming nearly synonymous with bio warfare. What many Americans … Continue Reading

February 08, 2018

Introducing HSP's Newest Intern, Libby Cha!

Global health is ubiquitous - it permeates many aspects of our lives and interconnects the world in ways that often go unnoticed. While it is often characterized by the interventions it produces, for me, global health means a shift in thinking. It is about the complexities and requires you to deconstruct everything you know about the issue. In this, I have realized how incredibly easy it is to be definitive about things when you don't appreciate the humanity of it. The field of global health … Continue Reading

February 01, 2018

Dual Use Research Of Concern And DIYBio

HSP's current cohort of Futures Fellows from the MENA region recently completed a module on dual use research of concern (DURC). DURC is defined by the WHO as "life sciences research that is intended for benefit, but which might easily be misapplied to do harm." Their assignment was to discuss the concept of "DIYBio" ("Do-it-yourself-biology"), or "biohacking", and its relationship to DURC. DIYBio is a movement that makes biotechnology available to the public in labs outside of those found in … Continue Reading

January 24, 2018

HSP Implements Workshop For Anthrax Outbreak Detection, Reporting And Response In Indonesia

HSP, in collaboration with the Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN), hosted a two-day workshop, January 23-24, 2018, focused on strengthening anthrax outbreak detection, reporting and response in Indonesia. The workshop brought together 40 human and veterinary health participants from anthrax endemic provinces, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Interior, law enforcement, and armed forces. The workshop began with in-depth … Continue Reading

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