Happening Now

May 18, 2021

HSP and FETP Indonesia Host First Consultative Meeting

On May 4th , 2021, HSP and FETP-Indonesia hosted the first in a series of virtual consultative meetings to share experience, lessons learned and best practices among field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) in Asia. The meeting started with opening remarks from Dr. William Hawley, Director of USCDC-Indonesia and Dr. Prima Yosephine, Indonesian FETP Coordinator and Director of Surveillance & Health Quarantine, Indonesian Ministry of Health. Dr. Dr. Agnes Segarra, Director of the … Continue Reading

April 23, 2021

HSP Facilitates Biosecurity Expert Discussion on COVID-19

On March 29th, Health Security Partners facilitated a discussion among biosecurity experts from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines on biosecurity challenges related to the current COVID-19 pandemic.These challenges include increased lab capacity to test for SARS-COV2 without appropriate biosecurity measures and training, the security of samples containing the virus in transport to and from labs, and the propagation and potential modification of SARS-COV2 in research, amongst other … Continue Reading

April 01, 2021

HSP Trains Hundreds Of Pakistani Veterinarians, Laboratory Staff In Biorisk Management

HSP in collaboration with our partner, the Association For Biorisk Management (ABM), recently completed 30 Biorisk Management basic trainings in the Pakistani Provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Balochistan, and Punjab. These sessions have trained 675 veterinary officers, veterinary assistants, and laboratory staff on how to safely operate and maintain their laboratories, in accordance with the highest international standards.These trainings will ensure that Pakistan’s animal health … Continue Reading

March 22, 2021

HSP, Local Partners Train A Cohort Of Female Veterinarians In Pakistan

In Pakistan, HSP along with our partners, the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC)’s Dr. Zahida Fatima and the Association For Biorisk Management, recently held a five-day One Health training for female veterinarians. This training was designed to provide 40 female veterinarians with best practices for prevention, detection, and response to zoonotic diseases. The continuing education and networking will also help the participants to expand their work opportunities in health promotion … Continue Reading

March 10, 2021

HSP Delivers Presentation At The Malaysian Biosafety & Biosecurity Association’s Annual Meeting

A few weeks ago, HSP’s Director of Scientific Programs & Engagement, Dr. Prasad Kuduvalli, delivered a presentation at the Malaysian Biosafety & Biosecurity Association (MBBA)’s annual general meeting.The presentation entitled, “International Engagement For Biosecurity”, covered current issues in biosecurity, such as threats from SARS-CoV-2, toxins, emerging biotechnologies, and gaps in capacity, as well as how HSP is working with regional partners to strengthen capacity to prevent misuse of … Continue Reading

March 08, 2021

HSP Announces New Associates

Despite the pandemic, HSP has continued to grow in order to help serve so many communities around the world by building their health capacity, combating antimicrobial resistance, and increasing biosafety and biosecurity.Given HSP’s recent expansion, we have brought on two more very talented individuals to help us on our mission. Our new Associates, Deanna Pistono and Anke Kotze have already made great contributions to our team and we are looking forward to all they will accomplish during their … Continue Reading

March 02, 2021

HSP Leads Epidemiology Training For Indonesian Military Hospitals

Recently, HSP led a three-day, virtual epidemiology workshop with 32 staff members from the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI)’s hospitals in Java, Indonesia. Much like in the United States, COVID-19 has highlighted Indonesia’s need for sustained investment in the global health workforce. Currently, there is a lack of health professionals with epidemiology training in Indonesia and trainings like these will help build capacity. The training, which was held from November 23-25, 2020, … Continue Reading

March 01, 2021

HSP, Malaysian Biosafety & Biosecurity Association Host Biorisk Management Webinar Series For COVID-19 Testing Laboratories

Recently, HSP and the Malaysian Biosafety & Biosecurity Association (MBBA), hosted a biorisk management webinar series over a five-week period at the end of 2020, for 30 staff members from COVID-19 testing laboratories across Malaysia.Though the international community has heralded Malaysia’s COVID response, a third wave of infections in October 2020 created the need for significantly more COVID-19 diagnostic testing. To fulfill this need, HSP and MBBA designed this webinar … Continue Reading

February 26, 2021

HSP, INDOHUN Hold “Soft Skills” Training With GHSA Leaders To Improve Multi-Sector Coordination, Communication

In January, HSP and our partner the Indonesian One Health University Network (INDOHUN), led two training modules focused on building soft skills for a cohort of Indonesian Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) Leaders fellows.Often health security training programs offer instruction on technical skills but do not train their participants on soft skills, like interpersonal communication, listening, and time management. However, these skills are crucial to advancing science-based policy … Continue Reading

February 25, 2021

HSP Participates In Indonesian University’s Webinar On Fostering Biosafety, Biosecurity, Responsible Conduct In Science Research

Recently, HSP’s Director of Scientific Programs and Engagement, Dr. Prasad Kuduvalli, was invited to speak at IPB University’s international webinar on biosafety, biosecurity, and responsible conduct in science. During the webinar, which occurred on December 20th, 2020, Dr. Kuduvalli discussed how cutting-edge research at universities is integral to growing the bio-economy and how institutional oversight mechanisms should be put in place, to protect this research from misuse or exploitation by … Continue Reading

February 23, 2021

HSP Convenes Virtual Summit With Turkish Students, Faculty To Reinforce Biosecurity, Biosafety At Pathogen-Handling Laboratories

Last week, HSP convened a group of thirty student laboratory personnel and faculty members from the Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE), to help reinforce and strengthen the biorisk management practices at the university’s labs.At IYTE’s labs, pathogens like Brucella and Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, are routinely studied as part of the university’s research program. Thus, creating the need for a laboratory environment with the utmost biosafety and biosecurity.During the … Continue Reading

February 22, 2021

HSP Holds Training With Female Community Health Workers To Raise COVID-19 Awareness In Pakistan

In Pakistan, HSP and Association for Biorisk Management (ABM) staff member, Dr. Mahzaib Malik, recently held a training with ten Lady Health Workers, who specialize in healthcare for women and children, in order to help raise awareness about COVID-19.Given societal norms in Pakistan, female community health workers provide essential healthcare services to women and children in impoverish urban and rural areas, where there can be a lack of information about COVID-19 and how to prevent it.During … Continue Reading

February 18, 2021

HSP Mourns The Death Of Collaborator Dr. Sher Muhammad

Over the past few weeks, HSP has been mourning the loss of Dr. Sher Muhammad, who died of COVID-19 on February 5th, 2021. HSP met Dr. Sher through his more than a decade of work as Director-General of Livestock and Dairy Development for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province in Pakistan. His death has left us, as well as his family and friends with great sorrow.During Dr. Sher’s tenure as KP Director-General of Livestock and Dairy Development, he played a pivotal role in the revitalization of … Continue Reading

February 16, 2021

HSP Meets With Indonesian Biorisk Association To Discuss Future Opportunities For Partnership

Recently, HSP met with the Executive Board of the Indonesian Biorisk Association (IBA), to discuss future opportunities to continue a longstanding partnership. Since 2011, HSP and IBA have been working together to advance biosafety and biosecurity capacity in Indonesia and the surrounding region.In 2020, the two organizations jointly conducted two virtual workshops to share best practices for biorisk management with laboratories testing for COVID-19 in Indonesia. This year, HSP and IBA … Continue Reading

February 05, 2021

HSP Joins Fleming Fund Nigeria Team, Adds New Animal Health Advisor

HSP is proud to announce a joint venture in Nigeria with the Fleming Fund, a British aid program that helps combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in low- or middle-income countries. The work will focus on the prevalence of AMR in different livestock populations.To help facilitate the project in Nigeria, HSP has hired Dr. Olufemi Olatoye, an experienced animal health epidemiologist, to serve as Animal Health Advisor. HSP is incredibly excited to have him on staff for the duration of this … Continue Reading

December 23, 2020

HSP Partner Holds COVID-19 Safety Training At Local Schools To Protect Students, Teachers

In Pakistan, HSP Partner and Association for Biorisk Management (ABM) staff member, Mehboob Khan, recently held COVID-19 safety training sessions at two schools in the most crowded areas in Quetta.COVID-19 has forced many of Pakistan’s schools, colleges, and universities to close for much of the year. However, the Pakistani government recently decided to reopen schools and put in place standard operating procedures (SOPs) mandating social distancing and mask use. Despite the government’s … Continue Reading

December 16, 2020

HSP Provides COVID-19 Safety Training To Local Pakistani Meat Market Workers

In Pakistan, HSP Partner and Association for Biorisk Management (ABM) staff member, Dr. Bashir Ahmad recently visited a meat market in Quetta City, to help train meat handlers and other market workers about important COVID-19 safety measures.Recently, Pakistan has been hit hard by a second coronavirus wave and despite the government’s health guidelines, there has been an exceptional amount of community spread. To help lower the rate of new cases, Dr. Bashir identified this local market because … Continue Reading

December 14, 2020

HSP Trains Waste Collectors On How To Protect Themselves From COVID-19

HSP Partner and Association for Biorisk Management staff member, Dr. Bashir Ahmad held a COVID-19 safety awareness session with waste collectors in Quetta, the capital of the Balochistan Province in Pakistan. Waste collectors are particularly at risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19 because they tend to be impoverished, come in direct contact with biohazardous waste, and go from place to place looking for garbage to collect. The COVID-19 safety awareness session, which was attended by … Continue Reading

December 11, 2020

HSP Works With Wedding Hall Owners, Caterers To Prevent Unsafe, Large Gatherings

HSP Partner, the Association for Biorisk Management (ABM), recently met with wedding hall owners and their catering staff in the Dera Bugti district of Balochistan, Pakistan, to ensure that they are following COVID-19 procedures and thus, preventing spread of the disease.Though the Pakistani government has banned large gatherings like weddings and other large outdoor events that have more than 300 attendees, some communities have not been following this particular rule, which creates … Continue Reading

December 08, 2020

HSP Leads Biorisk Management Training For Indonesian Armed Forces’ Health Institutions

Recently, HSP completed a three-day virtual, intermediate biorisk management training for 32 professionals from the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI)’s hospitals in Java, Indonesia. The training, which ran from November 19th to November 21st, is important because it helps strengthen both biosafety and biosecurity in Indonesia’s military medical sector, as they deal with more high-consequence pathogens like COVID-19.The HSP-led training team consisted of U.S. and Indonesian experts, that provided … Continue Reading

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